
Media Relations and Coverage

Elevate your visibility

Communicate at scale and become an industry leader to:

  • Drive corporate or government action
  • Educate the market & improve reputation
  • Attract partnerships & talent
  • Influence capital markets and raise money
  • Drive customer adoption & growth
  • Achieve global reputation and recognition

Strategies to Shine:

  • Milestone Announcements: Secure coverage for major milestones such as capital raises, significant partnerships, or key hires.
  • Editorials: Author and place first-person editorials to build industry leadership and promote critical key messaging in both tier-1 and trade media.
  • Newsjacking: Dynamically insert your expertise and insights into the fast-moving news cycle on topics critical to your success.
  • Case Studies: Leverage human-centered stories to powerfully and emotively illustrate how your innovation is creating meaningful and relatable impact.

Global Influence:

  • Reactive Support & Crisis Comms: Respond to incoming media requests by strategically shaping positive commentary or managing/neutralising negative stories.
  • Data & Research: Manipulate internal/proprietary data or create research that offers powerful industry insights with meaning on a national or even global level.

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