
Agency of change

Third Hemisphere is an investment & PR agency specialising in technology, finance, sustainability and climate.

marketing agency for innovators

Our Services

Media Relations and

Secure impactful tier-1 media placements and cultivate positive relationships with critical journalists to amplify your brand's visibility.

Thought Leadership

Establish industry influence through compelling content that positions you and your brand as a trusted authority.

Market Expansion

Unlock new growth opportunities and penetrate untapped markets through tailored approaches designed to scale your business effectively.

Investor Relations

Foster trust and transparency with investors through proactive and compliant communications that compel investors to buy into your vision and mission, and maintain their financial support.

Branding and Design

Craft a strategic brand identity that captures the essence of your offering and vision, and design visual assets that resonate with your target audience and set you apart from competitors.

Digital Marketing

Tap into the far-reaching potential of digital channels to connect with and engage your audiences en masse, driving measurable results and driving business growth

Content Marketing

Deliver valuable and relevant content that educates, inspires, and converts your audiences, establishing long-term relationships and driving brand loyalty.

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Investment or Media Strategy Session

Case Studies

Case Studies

Third Hemisphere News

Christian Westerlind Wigstrom, CEO of Monoova
Clayton Howes with MONEYME's $178M ABS Deal Announcement
Hannah Moreno and Jeremy Liddle from Third Hemisphere
Ed McManus, former CEO of Deliveroo and Meridian Energy, appointed as Senior Operating Partner at Riverside Company.
Anna Wright, author of the article discussing disability models and societal barriers.

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